Are You Focused ?
I have come across many definitions for the word focus but the best definition for me remains - Channelling my time and energy to the...

People have so many definitions for the word Manipulation. For me the best definition still remains, " When your words do not match your...

The Best You.
Being the best you requires you to be at your best. In order to be at your best, you need to be confident in yourself, you need to happy...

Tough times don't last but Tough people do.
I recently came to understand what the topic above really meant - If you have never experienced a thing, you will never have a full...

Is ok not to be ok.
In a world where everyone pretends to be ok or pretends to have their stuff all sorted out, it's hard to be the one person who comes out...

An honest Mistake or a bad Habit?
I have seen so many people blame the cause of their actions on someone or something. Sometimes people will tell you that it was a...

Celebrate your little wins !
It's funny how most people only think that the stuff worth celebrating is the big and mighty stuff. That's absolutely not right. I have...

Guess what, is the new year. Am sure lots of us are making various sorts of resolution which sometimes we never keep. Rather than some...

Mentally strong.
This is a very sensitive subject for me to write about. Most times, we tend to feel if we ignore the way we feel mentally that it will go...

Be careful whom you share your visions with.
I remember back in the days when my mum will say to me " days are evil, be careful how you talk and dish out your secrets to people"....