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Submission vs Love

Today I wanted to touch on the issue of submission in marriage. Most times people quote the bible passage Ephesians 5: 22 ",Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord" without giving thoughts to the bible passage of Ephesians 5: 25 " Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" - NOTE - Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her - Undiluted commitment.

As always, this is my humble opinion to this subject.

From experience, I have come to realise that women are built to be submissive by "default". A brief definition of default - this means a "presented programme in a computer when no alternative is specified by the user". This means that it is there and do not need to be acquired, ( inclusive with the package) it is a sort of built in app, not an "add on" that needs to be purchased.

So since women are programmed to be submissive by default, why is this submission lacking in so many marriages ? Why are some women struggling with this ? Why have this become a subject for discussion ? let me tell you why ?

A woman will struggle to "submit" when She does not feel loved, honoured and appreciated. We all ( women) know that true love makes life so much easy. The bible passage - Ephesians 5:25 shows the key ingredient that activates submission in every woman. When a woman is treated in the right manner, there will be no question about submission. When a woman is appreciated, that submission button triggers itself. When a woman is honoured, submission is activated. Generally, what you pour into your wife as a husband is what she reciprocates back. When you abuse, maltreat and neglect your wife and you are expecting submission, bro, think twice. Just as the same way that husbands cherish respect and submission, women cherish love, appreciation and honour.

When a husband is addressing the wife as a piece of rag, disrespecting the wife, not giving the wife the required attention, strive for submission immediately sets in. The struggle to submit kicks in by default as well.

From experience, it does not take a lot to please a wife. So, husbands what will it be ? How do you treat your wife ? Have you reviewed your " love, honour & appreciation" package for your beloved wife ? If you as a husband want to activate the " default submission button" in your wife, you know exactly what to do.

Never demand submission from a woman you fail to love, honour and appreciate, else you will be hitting a brick wall.

And a note to us wives, if your husband is making good effort, don't play hard to get. If your husband is doing his best to make you happy, there's no reason to password protect the submission default button.

Let's enjoy and not endure marriage.

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