
Guess what, is the new year. Am sure lots of us are making various sorts of resolution which sometimes we never keep. Rather than some new year resolution, this time around, i have chosen accountability. Meaning that in everything i do, i must have someone that am accountable to. Someone that will ask me to stop rather than ask why, i will obey and question later.
Do you know why accountability is so important to me ? Well, let me explain - if you keep living your life without anyone that you account to, then there's no one at all to correct you, caution you or even slow you down when you are about to fall off the cliff of life. In most cases, you are going to crash off the cliff of life.
That means you are just on your own, literally above the law per say cause no one can correct you or even counsel you. If you are in this category, then you need help because you are definitely going to have a big crash in life.
In this new year, i choose accountability. My question for you is ? To whom are you accountable to ? Whom do you check in with ? Who holds you back when you are about to fall ? Who is that person that will ask you to stop and you will stop or are you one of those that are above correction/discipline?
The choice is purely yours. Rather than making some resolutions that you will never keep, choose accountability and you will be glad that you did. Am really glad that i did. Catch you on the next blog.